Accenture net worth, Company, owner, share, career

Accenture net worth, Company, owner, share, wikipedia, career checked here.

Accenture net worth

Accenture’s net worth was $211.06 billion. A company’s net worth is usually represented by its market capitalization, which is the number of outstanding shares multiplied by the current stock price. As of August 2024, Accenture’s market cap was ₹17.898 trillion, making it the 57th most valuable company in the world by market cap.

About/ wikipedia

Accenture plc is an Irish-American professional services company headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, that specializes in information technology services and consulting. A Fortune Global 500 company, it reported revenues of $64.1 billion in 2023.

accenture careers

Accenture offers job & career opportunities for students to executive leaders who bring ingenuity, curiosity & big ideas to work at the heart of change.

accenture owner

Julie Sweet is chair and chief executive officer of Accenture. She became CEO in September 2019 and assumed the additional position of chair in September 2021.

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